Saturday 24 August 2019

Seeking Pattern & Direction in Random Thoughts

I know I am going towards the right direction now, I can see the light, it’s guiding to where I should be heading .....
Pull me towards you in a tight embrace, don’t let me float away in the empty space. Darkness has it’s own pull......if you leave my hand now, I will be stranded. Because neither do I want to be lost in the dark realm nor will I get to the right orbit.
Darkness doesn’t own me and I want to treat it with the same indifference with which it has treated me. It had engulfed me, choking my mind, suffocating me with it’s presence in the already flustered mind. While it remained nonchalant amidst all the chaos.
I don’t belong to light as well, I am just seeking the truth in whatever that has happened in my life and where is it leading. I am trying to read myself, find my answers and move on along the beautiful, glowing path further away from the clutches of darkness.
I trust my decision, my conviction to follow it through and the peace of mind earned in the process. 

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