Saturday 9 February 2019

Tryst with Destiny

Prelude: This piece was written more than 2 years back when I realized that I was done accepting and was trying to deny or defy or rather define my destiny. I am still at the same crossroads!
Only the cover has changed, book remains the same. Hope I will be able to muster the courage to edit a few chapters soon….  

Tryst with Destiny

There are times……
Testing trying hard
On the face……. Apparently…….

They hold my hand
And lead me steadily

Discovering a secret passage
As I take a deeper dive
Into the whirlpool of unsettled rage
To find the answers of my life

Whether this will satisfy my quest
Or increase the unrest
Only time can tell best

Whether it is a risk I should take
Is a choice that I am yet to make!!

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