Monday 4 February 2019

Cosmic Realisations

A part of me is lost
With every lesson learnt

A part of me is eroded
With every splash of time

A part of me goes numb
With the realization of every firm resolution

But a part of me still cries out
For the bits forgotten in eternity
Gathering what's left behind
Trying to identify the better version of mine!

Better….. is it?

Then why do I miss
The Spontaneity & Fieriness

Why does my soul ache
For the spirit that refused to burn out

Are the lessons of life
Really worth such a big stake?

I refuse to give myself up
In bits and pieces
I want to go after the ones
Buried under the sands of time

Hold myself up
Put the pieces together
Shape myself back
To the Beautiful Original form!

In the selfish attempt to avoid guilt pangs
I refrained from hurting others
But I forgot to be good to myself
Failed miserably to take care of myself

Oh! The little voice in my head
I know you from eternity
I have leaned on you all this while
Now is the time to give you back
The Friend with whom you started this Journey of Life!

We will not lose our blossoms to the Winds of Time!

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