Friday 7 June 2019


The faded mirror, the impure water
Do not reflect our true apparition 
Inner dwelling when calm and clear
Reflects back our best version 

Uncluttered, undisputed mind space 
Energises the spark lost in the haze
Lightly floating through the maze
Creativity wakes up from it’s daze

As we rekindle the flame together 
The fiery soul glows brighter
The reconnect is always deeper 
Finding solace in each other 

The fog makes way for reflection 
Well ruminated thoughts unify as one
To show the path of self reincarnation 
Revealing evolution is so much fun

The bends of metamorphosis verse
Distress on one side of the bell curve
Euphoria awaits beyond the tip of worst

Reinvented self slides down the curve 

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