Saturday, 4 May 2019

Silence of the Storm

Prelude: This was written 2 months back, but couldn’t post then 😊

Silence of the Storm 

Silence is no more golden 
Perspective is lost and rotten 

The heart flutters 
The soul shudders
As the thoughts pour in
I can’t help wondering 
Why silence is misunderstood 
Dissected eventually not for good!

Feelings are hardly voiced
With the right words and poise
But the world is disposed 
To be a judgemental host
Wish we could retain the eyes
Of the little child within us!

Reaching out to the little child within each of us
Reaching out to reclaim humanity from the dust!

Pearls of Life

I do surprise myself
As I uncover the layers 
To discover new pearls

And find strength that overpowers
Will power gearing up in it’s flutters 
Lessons trapped behind shutters 
Defining me for better or worse
Pearls - Blessing or a curse!

Come upon wounds that I nurse
Joy that seeps though the curves
Peace playing blindman’s buff
Time whispers in a soft buzz
Pearls - Blessing or a curse!

I choose to pick up the pieces
Embrace all the changes

And enjoy life’s enigmatic company!